We Buy Any Food Machinery is the leading UK buyers of quality used industrial food processing machinery and equipment. Our expert staff have over 100 years combined experience in the food industry. We own over 5 hectors of storage warehousing in Holland. We purchase from the whole spectrum of the food industry, from small sized businesses to large global corporations, buying single items of machinery and buying whole food processing lines and factories.
Get a Valuation 01952 454385
Leading UK buyers of quality used industrial food processing machinery

Efficient service and guaranteed payment.
We have gained a reputation for paying the best prices for used industrial food machinery and guaranteed payment before collection .
Our buying office is in the UK with warehousing in Holland. We purchase used food machinery in the UK and export the machinery to our Holland Warehouse
Get a Valuation 01952 454385
Our staff team work to high professional standards and will always endeavour to serve our customers with the utmost respect, diligence and care. Our quality standards ensure that only the most qualified and accredited contractors are used in the services that we provide. We pride ourselves on customer care and satisfaction.
Please get in touch with us at sales@webuyanyfoodmachinery.com or call us on 01952 454385.
Get a Valuation 01952 454385
Acquire the best prices for your used food machinery with guaranteed export to international markets

We are committed to providing business solutions for our loyal customers
Best prices for used food machinery
We buy any food machinery provides the best prices for the used industrial food machinery you want to sell. We appreciate and respect that some of our customers do not want their equipment sold to possible competitors within the UK. We can guarantee to export your machinery outside of the UK with full proof of export documents and legally binding agreements.
Get a Valuation 01952 454385
Global network of purchasers
We have a global network of purchasers of used food industry machines waiting to buy your equipment. Work with us to free up space or make room for new food processing machinery and equipment.
Get a Valuation 01952 454385
Our expert staff have over 100 years combined experience in the used food machinery industry.

We deal with manufacturers such as:
- Alco
- Alpina
- AM2C
- Amritsu
- Apple
- Atlas
- AutoGrind
- Baader
- Baltimore
- Baynflax
- Becketts
- Beehive
- Benier
- Berief
- Bettcher
- Biro,Bizerba
- Blentech
- Bosch
- Boyd International
- Boyds
- Bradman Lake
- Brook
- Busch
- Butcher Boy
- C.P
- Cabinplant
- Cap Cold
- Carnitech
- Carnitech
- CFS SmartPacker
- Challenge
- Cintex
- Coat and Fry
- Combi Flour
- CombiGrill
- CombiGrind
- ComboGrind
- CookStar
- Corrvac
- Cox and Plant
- Cozzini
- Cretel
- CrumbMaster
- Cryovac
- Crypto
- Crypto Peerless
- Dantech
- Daub
- DC Norris
- Deighton
- Deleschal
- Delford
- Den Boer
- Diosna
- Dixie Union
- Doboy
- Dodge
- Dorit
- Double D
- Easiweigh
- Easy Crumb
- Easy Flour
- EasyFormer
- EasyFry
- EconoCrumb
- Eilert
- Escher
- Esmach
- Evapco
- Fatosa
- Ferrum
- Florigo
- Fomaco
- Food Machinery Company
- Formatic
- Formatic
- Formax
- Formcook
- Forming Plates
- Fortuna
- Foster
- Frey
- Frick
- Frigo
- Frigoscandia
- Fritsch
- Fritsch Euroline
- Geba
- GEI Turbo
- Germo
- Gernal
- Glass
- Graselli
- Grasso
- Grote
- Guisti
- Gunther
- Haas - Hecrona
- Handtmann
- Heat and Control
- Heller
- Heuft,Hobart
- Holac
- Hollymatic
- Ilapack
- Inject Star
- Iozelli
- Ishida
- Jacob White
- K&G
- Kaak
- Kaj Olesen
- Karl Schnell
- Kartridge Pac
- Kemper
- Kilia
- Kliklok
- Koch
- Koma
- Konig
- Koppens
- Kronen
- KS
- Lagarde
- Laska
- Lima
- Linco
- llpra
- Loma
- Lutetia
- Magurit
- Marel
- Mateline
- Maurer
- Maurer-Atmos
- Meca
- Mecnosud
- Mepaco
- Metalquimia
- Meyn
- Millers
- Mondini
- Mono
- Multiformer
- Multivac
- Ness
- Oddy
- Omet
- Omori
- OptiCoater
- OptiDipper
- Orbit
- Orbmix
- PA
- Packaging Automation
- PerFormer
- Pietroberto
- Pisces
- Pokomat
- Polin
- Polin
- PowerGrind
- Powerpak
- Prima
- Pro Seal
- Protecon
- Rademaker
- Rademaker
- Red Pack
- Regal
- Reiser
- Reitschle
- Revent
- Rheon
- Rijkaart
- Risco Brevetti
- Rondo
- Rotoclaw
- Rotomat
- Ruhle
- Ryco
- Sabroe
- Safeline
- San Cassiano
- Sandiacre
- Saxon
- Scansteel
- Scanvaegt
- Schrofner
- Scotsman
- Sealpac
- Second hand CFS machines
- Sewar
- Seydelmann
- Simo
- Sottoriva
- Spooner
- Stal
- Starfrost
- Steen
- Stein
- Stephan
- Steriflow
- Stock
- Stork
- Syspal
- TempuMixer
- Tempura Dipper
- Terlet
- Thurne
- Tipper-tie
- Tiromat
- Tom Chandley
- Torry
- Total
- Townsend
- Treif
- Trio
- Trio
- Tromp
- Turbo Tools
- TurboCook
- Twin grill
- Ulma
- UniGrind
- Urschel
- Varlet
- Vemag
- Wanson
- Weber
- Webomatic
- Weiler
- Werner Pfleiderer
- Wet Coater
- Williams
- Winkler
- Wolfking
- WP Haton
- Wrightfield
- Yamato
- York
- Ziegra